
Black Gnocchi with cuttlefish ink and greenland Cockle Clams , in saffron cream sauce and yellow foam

Spaguetoni Pecorino Siciliano Salvia e Botarga di Tonno Siciliana

Guinea fowl with Irish whiskey cheese sauce

Pasta Mista Rummo Fagiolo Cozze é Wakame

Caesar Salad with smoked chicken fillet or baked French guinea fowl version

Floris Postmes Limburg Netherlands Lux Damascus Knifmaker

Impasto Pizza

Risotto cipollotto salmone gamberetti pastis 51

raw prawns

Polenta con Surfing Clams e di piu

asian style advocado , shrimps raw tartare

ginger or gralic with sake, turmeric , rice vinegar and honey

Matcha tea gember Langue de Chat

Tagliatelle broccoli pomodori secchi cozze e nduja

Spaghetti puttanesca al tonno bianco sotto olio

Cucunci Siciliani