Debbie Heist Lambert

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About the author
Debbie Heist Lambert is a huge advocate for all medically injured patients. She is enthusiastic about ensuring #InformedConsent, #Truth, #Transparency become the gold standard for all things healthcare. After her own life changed dramatically following the first and then multiple injections of a GBCA (Gadolinium-based contrast agent) - a toxic rare earth metal retained in everyone, Debbie found passion and purpose in learning and applying new knowledge to help herself and to provide support and help to others.

In 2019, she launched Living with Gadolinium, LLC with three goals in mind - foster open dialogue, drive advancement in informed consent, encourage change in healthcare where everyone is welcome and has a seat at the table.

Debbie holds a BA from George Fox University and in 2022 graduated with a Certificate as a Functional Nutrition Counselor. She brings more than three decades of experience working in finance, content and translation management, marketing, and social media.

Debbie gives thanks and all glory for her life to God for his love and guidance. An NDE (near death experience) and a face-to-face meeting with God, where he asked her to listen to his whispers and she would have the opportunity to help many, continues to bring many new blessings daily.

the Book
Gadolinium Deposition and Toxicity: Humanizing a Life-Changing Even Paperback – July 26, 2024

