Spaghetti alla Puttanesca with Jellyfish and Kombu seaweed

ingredients : taggiasche olives,
dried tomatoes in olive oil, capers,
Kombu and Medusa preserved in sea water,

take the jellyfish, rinse it, put it in fresh unsalted water to drain, for 4 hours, when it is desalinated,
cut it into strips and blanch it for 30 seconds in plenty of boiling water without salt because the jellyfish contains lots of salt, put aside.
for 45 minutes you have boiled the kombu, you rinse it and you cut it into short strips, and you set aside
with the other ingredients you make a Putanesca sauce, in which you put the Kombu and the blanched Medusa for 30 seconds,
you add a little Cetara colatura and if you want it a little anchovy paste,
you reheat for 3 minutes then you put the spaghetti that you have cooked in the meantime,check salt and pepper, mix well and serve

Nutrition Fact : kombu and jellyfish, for iodine
